What is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is an ancient Japanese holistic therapy that helps work with the energy (Chi) in the body, the aim of which is to improve energy balance in the body, thereby restoring and maintaining health. The shiatsu practitioner uses pressure applied to meridian and acupressure points on the body. The same meridians and acupressure points used in acupuncture.
Shiatsu may also involve limb rotations and stretches. It is traditionally done on a futon on the floor but for those with mobility problems it can be done on a couch. Shiatsu can be combined with the use of oils but traditionally you would keep your clothes on and wear warm comfortable clothing.
Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing therapy, aiding the recipient to connect closely with their own body/mind and empower them to make changes to improve their health. It is a safe therapy for any age group and can be energetic or very gentle. It is a safe therapy during pregnancy for relaxation and to help prepare a mother for birth.
There are a number of therapists in Nurture Sheffield that provide Shiatsu including Natalie & Annette. Please contact them for further information and prices using the contact details below.