Body Poem
What Is Body Poem?
Body Poem combines approaches from Body Focusing, Clean Language and Dream form. You will be gently guided through a grounding exercise to create space for spontaneously emerging words, metaphors or phrases that arise from your body’s felt sense, connection to an environment, or from a dream. These can enhance a deep connection to your body and it's ability to self organise. A safe structure that nurtures conditions for you to listen and be seen. A space where insights and wisdom can emerge that can have a profound effect and can be applied to a number of situations.
Your words will be read back in the form of a Poem.
Body Poem’s ‘revolutionary’ approach has been developed by Katie Sarra. You can access a Body Poem stand alone session to explore the richness of your innate bodily wisdom or you can combine it with Acupuncture, Shiatsu or Tre.
Acupuncture and Bodypoem
This is completely new.
Your body’s communications will be listened to, read back and this will inform the Acupuncture session. The choice of points are needled with deep attunement, informed not only by the rich theory from Traditional Chinese Medicine but also by what emerges from your Bodypoem.
Client’s feedback;
‘Wow! The BodyPoem really took the session to another level. So profound. Wholehearted Thank You!’
Shiatsu and Bodypoem
I will guide you through your body poem and integrate what’s arising from the poem into your Shiatsu session. This is a unique blend of approaches that can provide space for personal insights and for your body to integrate not only what it’s communicating verbally but also allowing this to integrate at a physical level with the Shiatsu bodywork. A rich and often enlightening experience.
Client's feedback;
Tension and Trauma Release Exercises - Trepoem:
Tre and Bodypoem
Body Poem helps to gain insights from verbal communication and connection which combined with the safe and natural tremoring response can allow for integration at a profound level.
I also offer collective Bodypoem at the group sessions which can help individuals to feel connected at a very human level.
In person or online sessions are available.
Curious? if so…..
Body Poem is currently offered by Annette and prices range from £40-£60. For more details on pricing and for general enquiries please use the contact details below: