

What Is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a course to teach you and your partner about the birthing process, and learn relaxation techniques, specialist breathing and visualization exercises, and gentle massage techniques.  Once learned, these skills last for a lifetime, not just for the birth of your baby. You will also learn about the power of the mind through positive thinking; powerful hormones to assist you during Labour; how to communicate effectively with medical staff; watch Dvd's of birth in different environments; an opportunity to raise questions; discover how to care for your baby immediately after the birth; and lots more.

When you are in a calm and relaxed state your body is more able to progress in Labour, in a way it was designed to do. This will give you the confidence to achieve an empowering and positive birth experience

What Is the Current Research?

Research has shown some of the benefits of Hypnobirthing are:

  • Women in a hypnosis group were shown to have ‘A better childbirth experience’ (Werner A, et al 2013 a randomised control trial).

  • A study showed 25% of the normal population had caesarean births compared to 8% of women using hypnobirthing (www.nhslocal/story/how-hypnosis-helps-women-give-birth).

  • In a study, 84% of women using Hypnobirthing have progressed to a normal birth compared to 64% of the normal population. (Royal Wolverhampton NHS trust -2012).


Or by – Melinda Pagden, who is a midwife with a diploma in KG Hypnobirthing.

Please contact Melinda below to discover how we can support you for a more positive birth experience. Addtitonally, for more information on pricing please use the contact details below:

Get in touch with Melinda here

